It's a busy place around here. Hence my hiatus from this space for
the last two months. With a four year old and 18 month old, our house is
none stop GO. We are having lots of fun (more on this in a future post)
despite, or maybe because of, the hecticness, and are enjoying the
moments as they fly by. Our house is clean for a nano second, the piles
of paper (mostly bills and crafts) are growing like weeds, the
dishwasher is running more than it is not and I do about eight loads of
laundry a week (between ski gear, three outfit changes a day for a
little boy who loves to play in the sink, and cloth diapers). Today was
our most chill day of the week. My sweet girl was at school, convinced
by pizza day that it was a good idea! So, me and my little man had the
house to ourselves. We played with cars, made music, ate clay and
coloured. In the midst of it all, I threw in laundry, cleaned the
kitchen and started the dishwasher (sound familiar?!). After a quick run
to the basement to change over the laundry, I returned to the top of
the stairs to the sight of this. I laughed with all my heart, I may have
even snorted! Can you blame me?
***If this post makes no sense,
has major spelling or grammatical errors or is just plain crazy, I blame
it on the fact that it was written while two kids climbed on me and
fought over who got to sit on my lap!
Hooking up with SouleMama for This Moment.
Sarah, I am so glad you are able to treasure these moments. (It's something I recognize that I need to work on, myself.) As we all know, they fly by too quickly. Good for you for recognizing the joy in snapshots of time such as this!